  • 学校新闻



  · Paret One ·

  1 what is your plan for future?

  Sample Answer:

  Well, honestly, I have loads of plans. I’m about to go to the UK to further my study next year to get my Master’s Degree…and I also want to travel around Europe during my study to deepen my understanding of different cultures so that I am able to perform better if I can work in a multinational after I graduate.


  2 Do you like art?

  Sample Answer:

  I’d like to say that I have the artsy side…I’m so obsessed with those beautiful oil paintings in the gallery. They are more than photos as you can tell how marvellous they are through the texture. But I should say I’m not a big fan of those abstract forms of art…for example, some sculptures which are made up of some weird cubes and triangles…are so implicit and so hard to understand what hides behind.


  关于艺术类话题是许多同学非常头疼的,对艺术本身的不了解,加上词汇的缺少,同学们被问到此类疑问时心思防地首要被摧垮。像这么的疑问在Part1中不用深究,用自个的会说的单词如painting,sculpture and sketch即可。关于艺术咱们能够分两方面,喜爱的艺术,如一些美丽的画和雕塑.不喜爱的艺术,因素:笼统看不懂。

  3Are you looking forward to working?

  Sample Answer:

  Well…If I’m rich enough, I won’t say I want to work. Job,to me, is literally a way to bring home the bacon. But I guess having a job is not a bad idea, at least I can meet many interesting people and use the professional skill I have to make the society value me more, I think I will be proud of myself.

